What’s a HIPAA release and why did the insurance company send me all these forms to sign?
Sorry, but it’s not to help you that’s for sure! A HIPAA release allows the insurance company to get ALL of your medical records. Notice how there is not a date range on it or if there is it is for dates substantially before the wreck? It gives the company full access to your history to go fishing for records?
Why you ask? Here is the basic logic of the insurance company as they look at your injuries:
- You aren’t hurt.
- If you are hurt, you were already hurt before this wreck.
- If you are hurt, you did it to yourself by not following doctors orders or injured yourself after the wreck.
Sign a release and you give the insurance company the power to go back to your birth to find records that fit one of those 3 scenarios!! Your medical history is relevant but all the information the insurance company gets should come through your lawyer.